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12 common mistakes when doing international SEO









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发表于 2024-2-29 15:21:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
To put it into practice, it is very important to be clear about the reason for this internationalization, to set the objectives that you want to achieve, to know the regulations of the country you want to penetrate and to give importance to the translations (it is not useful to simply make translations of the contents).

Below we present some of the most common mistakes that are made when doing international SEO to keep them in mind and not repeat them.

1. Do international SEO without being prepared
Each language has its own colloquial expressions and idioms that must be adapted correctly to achieve good positioning in foreign markets.

The most important thing when doing international Mexico Mobile Number List SEO is to have a trained team of professionals . That accumulates experience, has an analytical perspective and is knowledgeable about the latest developments. Only in this way will it be possible to try to cover markets in several countries.

Furthermore, you must be clear that it is time to internationalize, that is, doing international SEO to boost sales or reach consumers in other countries does not make sense if the company is not able to deal with it in logistics issues, for example.

2. Do not change the URLs of different versions
Automatic translation plugins or content managers display the different language versions under the same URL automatically. However, Google prefers that each translated page have its own URL to facilitate indexing.

3. Choosing the wrong website structure
It is necessary to structure the website according to the specific needs of each business and its characteristics . You can use different structures:

Domains with different ccTLDs (country code top level domains) : it is a very expensive option since it implies having a domain for each country or language (.es, .gb, .pt, etc.). In addition, it involves a lot of work when doing international SEO, since we will have to use a different domain for each country. We will not be able to use miweb.es to position ourselves in Italy, for example.
gTLD (generic top level domains) with different subdomains or subdirectories : this option saves costs, and the subdomains acquire part of the domain authority. But, on the other hand, it takes more time to obtain results .
4. Do not use HREFLANG labeling
Each of the pages must have the HREFLANG tag set appropriately. With this labeling, Google will know that this content is in other languages ​​and will show the appropriate version to the user based on their location. Additionally, with Hreflang tags, Google is prevented from considering the content as duplicate. To do this, keep in mind that the links are bidirectional and that the tag must be present on all pages of the website.


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