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What if we label animal cruelty?









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-3-16 12:38:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
We already know the black hexagons with legends of high sodium or high calories. What if we also had a stop animal cruelty label? In Mexico, great efforts have been made to improve the information that consumers obtain when making purchases, such as the recent Labeling Law. Thanks to that, we now understand the very visible black hexagons with legends of high sodium , high calories , or high sugar , and we have more arguments to decide on what we want to consume. What if we also had a high cruelty label ? Perhaps that would impact our purchasing decisions, making us choose products that are more compassionate towards animals. And it would force food production companies to do the same.

As consumers, we care about animal welfare More Ca Cell Numbers and more people are concerned about animal welfare and consequently it is necessary for companies in Mexico to make important changes in their supply chain so that we can choose cruelty-free supplies. Could it be then that companies that do not want to address the issue would now turn to see how animals are treated in food production? – because consumers do care . More than 100 companies in Mexico already say no to cages Fortunately, there are already many companies that care too and are doing something about it. In Mexico there are already more than 100 companies that are on the path to reducing cruelty in the food they offer to their customers, by publicly committing to not consume eggs from cruel production in cages.

These are just a few brands that have committed to using cage-free chicken eggs in Mexico The cruelty of cages in the egg industry The egg industry locks chickens in cages so small that they cannot even walk or stretch their wings. As if that were not enough, in Mexico they not only suffer from confinement, but also from forced molting through fasting, which consists of depriving them of water and food for up to more than seven days to accelerate another cycle of egg laying. Video about the cruel fasting of chickens in the egg industry With the implementation of cage-free commitments, the lives of the more than million hens trapped in cages that we have in the egg industry in Mexico significantly improve. But there are still many more companies to join this global trend to reject cages.


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