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What are they and what do they do?









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发表于 2023-10-26 18:50:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Long before page builders , WordPress themes reigned supreme. Everyone wanted to find the perfect theme for their business and adapt it according to their needs, after all, having a good website is essential for digital marketing actions .

The fact is that when you purchase a theme, you realize that it has a way of working. For this reason, the theme has (or should at least have) documentation that explains exactly how it works and all the existing features.

Each theme has its own modus operandi . This means that if you want to develop websites for third parties, for example, every time a client of yours chooses a new theme, you will have to stop to understand how that theme works.

More and more people are migrating phone database their websites from platforms like Wix to WordPress . Thus, the need for easier ways to set up a WordPress website began to emerge.

In this context, page builders emerged . Wix may have several points for improvement, but one thing is undeniable: it is extremely easy to set up a website with it.

The idea of ​​page builders was to bring the same ease to WordPress.

Ludy Death
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Class: Page Builders: what are they and what do they do?
Drag & Drop (drag and drop)
In a short time, several page builders that were extremely easy to use began to . The construction of pages that was previously done entirely through the WordPress editor began to be carried out directly on the page.

WordPress Default Editor
At the end of , the editor, which previously looked like Microsoft Word, was completely redone and named Gutenberg on WordPress In short, the new editor abandoned that Word editor look to become a block-based editor .

At first it was a bit strange, but soon people understood the value of this type of editor.

Furthermore, all page builders available on the market also use this same block-based structure.

Advantages of a Page Builder
Adopting a page builder when structuring a website can be a good alternative. Some reasons to adopt a page builder:

Flexibility: using a page builder gives you a lot of flexibility to create pages the way you see fit. In other words, it gives you more freedom than a ready-made theme.
Speed: once you master a page builder, it's common to create websites and pages much more quickly.


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